Thursday, December 11, 2008

Torn between 2 blogs

I want to hear what you think. If you've got a personal blog and a company blog to run. Where would you post your thoughts on issues/posts that is related to your business?

Pretty much of what I'm planning to post on my personal blog is related and useful for the business too. But I feel that I can be more myself and ermm... person? in my own blog than the business blog. I can write all the lahs and wahahahahas and what not in my personal blog to make the post lighter to read, but I can't be doing that in the business blog right?

But if I share all my knowledge in my personal blog, than what can I put in the business one? I don't want it just purely announcements of updates and all. I want it to be a sharing channel too.

I'm torn between 2 blogs... hence I'm posting here on my 3rd blog! LOL!


Anonymous said...

*Face palm*

However, what you mentioned is right. Once you have identified yourself for the company and your blog, others may thing you could be biased in your product reviews and what-nots.

Anonymous said...

If the reader know me personally, I'm sure they know I'm sharing what I truly felt about the product when I'm reviewing it. So I'm not so worried about that. As for those who don't know me, I'm fine with them taking my post with a pinch of salt or sugar or whatever. Same as you read reviews posted on any sites, magazines or blogs. You believe it more if you know the person sharing it.

Ivy said...

I'd put business-related thoughts in your company blog actually. It'll make the company look good if you show some sort of expertise in that field.

If you have the time, it'll be cool if you consistently wrote from two perspectives for your business-related entries. Your personal blog could have one set of views (more personal in nature, tie-in with your life experience, friend's stories kinda thing) and your business blog could have a more factual/researched-based perspective.

But of course, that's just a whole lot of extra work. :P You might just burn out after writing from one perspective. Haha.

Maybe you need to have a poll at ur personal blog to ask your readers what they want to see and where they want to see it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Ivy for sharing! I really need to consider that and plan my time and post well.

And than this blog has somehow become one dumping ground for random thoughts. LOL!