Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lunch! Finally!

After 2 days without lunch. I'm so glad that i get out today! With 4 appointments to go to!

Posted via email from claudia's stuff

Interest = Searching and Blogging Trend

Did you realise that the things you seek on search engine and the things you blog about reflects the current state of mind/ stage of life you're at?

When you are deciding which camera to purchase next, you start doing more search on camera reviews and might blog or twit about what you discover.

When you are planning your marriage, you'll visit marriage forums, search for blogs who talks about wedding and your blog and status update becomes a collection of your wedding plan research.

So when you see a change in trend in my blog and the things I am reading and twittering, this reflects my change of direction.

This might just be the direction for me in the next 5 years.