How often do you top up your Ezlink card? Do you do it when the balance shows $0 or you top it up on a regular basis
regarding regardless the balance?
For me, what I do now is whenever I know I'll be passing by a top-up machine, I will try to remember to check the balance of the card from the reader before I alight the bus or exit the train station. Most of the time, by the time it reaches $0 or not enough for my next trip, will I than top it up. But now, with the new card, I've to reprogram my mind to see the $3 balance as $0! That's perhaps easy for me to remember, but what about the aunties and uncles who can't? Or those who are not properly explained when they change their new card?
After reading
this, I think I will try to delay as long as possible before I change my old ezlink card to the new ones. As long as I can still use it, I won't change it.
Got to start sharing this with my family and relatives!